Learn to Speak French Level Three Unit Sixteen

Learn to Speak French Level Three Unit Sixteen

Speak French like a native!


It’s now possible to speak and understand a foreign language effortlessly. The world-famous Pimsleur Method™ combines well-established research, most-useful vocabulary and a completely intuitive process to get you speaking right from the first day. All Pimsleur® courses feature real-world context and flexible vocabulary enabling you to learn your new language in a fluid, natural way. It’s the simplest way to start speaking a new language today.

French is an official language in 44 countries. It is spoken by 55 million people in France, 3 million in Belgium, 1.5 million in Switzerland, 6.5 million in Canada, and 5 million in former French and Belgian colonies. It is also an official language of the U.N. Learn French today with Pimsleur.

You can download the first lesson for free from here.

You can download the Reading Book from here for free.


Includes 30 lessons and reading instruction as MP3 download, plus a User’s Guide and Reading Booklet

The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn French
Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what’s going on in the world around you, learning French will expand your horizons and immeasurably enrich your life.

The best part is that it doesn’t have to be difficult or take years to master. Thirty minutes a day is all it takes, and we get you speaking right from the first day. These courses use a scientifically-proven method that puts you in control of your learning. If you’ve tried other language learning methods but found they simply didn’t stick, then you owe it to yourself to give this a try.

Why these courses?
- Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day.
- Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life.
- Proven Method – Works when other methods fail.
- Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it’s up to you.
- Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning.
- Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers.
- Genius – Triggers your brain’s natural aptitude to learn.
- Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above.

What’s Included?
- 30, 30-minute audio lessons
- 60 minutes of reading instruction to provide you with an introduction to reading French designed to teach you to sound out words with correct pronunciation and accent
- in total, 16 hours of audio, all featuring native speakers
- a Reading Booklet and a User’s Guide

What You’ll Learn
In the first 10 lessons, you’ll cover the basics: saying hello, asking for or giving information, scheduling a meal or a meeting, asking for or giving basic directions, and much more. You’ll be able to handle minimum courtesy requirements, understand much of what you hear, and be understood at a beginning level, but with near-native pronunciation skills.

In the next 10 lessons, you’ll build on what you’ve learned. Expand your menu, increase your scheduling abilities from general to specific, start to deal with currency and exchanging money, refine your conversations and add over a hundred new vocabulary items. You’ll understand more of what you hear, and be able to participate with speech that is smoother and more confident.

In the final 10 lessons, you’ll be speaking and understanding at an intermediate level. In this phase, more directions are given in the target language, which moves your learning to a whole new plane. Lessons include shopping, visiting friends, going to a restaurant, plans for the evening, car trips, and talking about family. You’ll be able to speak comfortably about things that happened in the past and make plans for the future.

Reading Lessons begin in Lesson 9 to provide you with an introduction to reading French. In addition, the combined Reading Lessons are included after Lesson 30. These Reading Lessons, which total about one hour, are designed to teach you to sound out words with correct pronunciation and accent.

  About This Method
We make no secret of what makes this powerful method work so well. Paul Pimsleur spent his career researching and perfecting the precise elements anyone can use to learn a language quickly and easily. Here are a few of his “secrets”:

The Principle of Anticipation
In the nanosecond between a cue and your response, your brain has to work to come up with the right word. Having to do this boosts retention, and cements the word in your mind.

Core Vocabulary
Words, phrases, and sentences are selected for their usefulness in everyday conversation. We don’t overwhelm you with too much, but steadily increase your ability with every lesson.

Graduated Interval Recall
Reminders of new words and structures come up at the exact interval for maximum retention and storage into your long-term memory.

Organic Learning
You work on multiple aspects of the language simultaneously. We integrate grammar, vocabulary, rhythm, melody, and intonation into every lesson, which allows you to experience the language as a living, expressive form of human culture.

Learning in Context
Research has shown that learning new words in context dramatically accelerates your ability to remember. Every scene in every Pimsleur lesson is set inside a conversation between two people. There are no drills, and no memorization necessary for success.

Active Participation
This Method + active learner participation = success. This method works with every language and every learner who follows it. You gain the power to recall and use what you know, and to add new words easily, exactly as you do in English.

The French Language
French is spoken by 55 million speakers in France, 3 million in Belgium, 1.5 million in Switzerland, 6.5 million in Canada, and 5 million in former French and Belgian colonies. It is an official language in 44 countries and an official language of the United Nations. An estimated 50 million people around the world speak French as a second language.


خرید و دانلود Learn to Speak French Level Three Unit Sixteen

تحقیق در مورد زهد اسلامی

تحقیق در مورد زهد اسلامی

لینک پرداخت و دانلود *پایین مطلب*


فرمت فایل:Word (قابل ویرایش و آماده پرینت)


تعداد صفحه:27







معنای زهد

ابن أثیر، لغت شناس معروف در کتاب ارزشمندش، النهایة ، می نویسد: «الزهد: قلیل الشیء شیء زهید؛ زهد؛ یعنی، چیز اندک و ناچیز». [ وقتی گفته می شود:] «تزاهدوا الحدّ: احتقروه و أهانوه؛ نسبت به چیزی زهد ورزیدند؛ یعنی، آن را حقیر شمردند و ناچیز انگاشتند». همچنین یکی از معانی زهد، خویشتن داری از ارتکاب نارواها و خودداری از ناسپاسیهاست؛ چنانچه پیامبر (ص) فرمود: «الزهد هو أن لا یغلب الحلال شکره و لاالحرام صبره، زاهد کسی است که در هنگام دستیابی به موارد مشروع و حلال، خود را گم نکند (به افراط و تفریط نگراید) و در صورت فراهم آمدن زمینه ارتکاب حرام، صبر و خویشتن داری را از دست ندهد و دست به گناه نیازد.»

مرحوم نراقی در کتاب معروف خود، جامع السعادات، می نویسد: «ضد حب الدنیا و الرغبة الیها هو زهد؛ ضد دوستی و تمایل به دنیا را «زهد» گویند او می افزاید: «زاهد کسی است که قلب او شیفته و وابسته به دنیا نباشد و جز به قدر ضرورت زندگی به دنیا رو نیاورد.»

طریحی می نویسد: «الزهد من الشیء خلاف الرغبة فیه؛ زهد نسبت به چیزی عبارت است از : عدم تمایل و گرایش قلبی نسبت بدان». وی همچنین در تبیین معنای زهد از معانی الأخبار مرحوم صدوق، حدیثی نقل می کند که : «الزهد یحب ما یحب خالقه، و یبغض ما یبغض خالقه، و یتحرج من حلال الدنیا، و لا یلتفت الی حرامها؛ زاهد کسی است که معیار حب و بغض او حب و بغض خدای متعال باشد و هرچه که در نظر خدا محبوب است در پیش او محبوب باشد، و هر چه که در پیش خدا مبغوض است در چشم او ناپسند آید، و از حلال دنیا کناره گیرد و به حرام آن اعتنا نکند.»

وی می نویسد: زهد واقعی، حاصل نمی آید، جز با سه نوع ترک که عبارتند از:

خرید و دانلود تحقیق در مورد زهد اسلامی

Learn to Speak German Level Three Unit Eleven

Learn to Speak German Level Three Unit Eleven

 Speak German like a native!



It’s now possible to speak and understand a foreign language effortlessly. The world-famous Pimsleur Method™ combines well-established research, most-useful vocabulary and a completely intuitive process to get you speaking right from the first day. All Pimsleur® courses feature real-world context and flexible vocabulary enabling you to learn your new language in a fluid, natural way. It’s the simplest way to start speaking a new language today.

German is the official language of Germany and Austria and is one of the official languages of Switzerland, Belgium, Lichtenstein, and Luxembourg. Nearly 100 million people speak German as their first language. Learn German today with Pimsleur.


 You can download the first lesson for free from Here.

You can download the reading booklet for free from here.



Includes 30 lessons and reading instruction (16 hours) as MP3 download, plus a User’s Guide and Reading Booklet

The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn German
Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what’s going on in the world around you, learning German will expand your horizons and immeasurably enrich your life.

The best part is that it doesn’t have to be difficult or take years to master. Thirty minutes a day is all it takes, and we get you speaking right from the first day. Pimsleur courses use a scientifically-proven method that puts you in control of your learning. If you’ve tried other language learning methods but found they simply didn’t stick, then you owe it to yourself to give Pimsleur a try.

Why Pimsleur?
- Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day.
- Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life.
- Proven Method – Works when other methods fail.
- Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it’s up to you.
- Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning.
- Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers.
- Genius – Triggers your brain’s natural aptitude to learn.
- Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above.

What’s Included?
- 30, 30-minute audio lessons
- 60 minutes of reading instruction to provide you with an introduction to reading German designed to teach you to sound out words with correct pronunciation and accent
- in total, 16 hours of audio, all featuring native speakers
- a Reading Booklet and a User’s Guide

What You’ll Learn
In the first 10 lessons, you’ll cover the basics: saying hello, asking for or giving information, scheduling a meal or a meeting, asking for or giving basic directions, and much more. You’ll be able to handle minimum courtesy requirements, understand much of what you hear, and be understood at a beginning level, but with near-native pronunciation skills.

In the next 10 lessons, you’ll build on what you’ve learned. Expand your menu, increase your scheduling abilities from general to specific, start to deal with currency and exchanging money, refine your conversations and add over a hundred new vocabulary items. You’ll understand more of what you hear, and be able to participate with speech that is smoother and more confident.

In the final 10 lessons, you’ll be speaking and understanding at an intermediate level. In this phase, more directions are given in the target language, which moves your learning to a whole new plane. Lessons include shopping, visiting friends, going to a restaurant, plans for the evening, car trips, and talking about family. You’ll be able to speak comfortably about things that happened in the past and make plans for the future.

Reading Lessons begin in Lesson 10 to provide you with an introduction to reading German. In addition, the combined Reading Lessons are included after Lesson 30. These Reading Lessons, which total about one hour, are designed to teach you to sound out words with correct pronunciation and accent.

The Pimsleur Method
We make no secret of what makes this powerful method work so well. Paul Pimsleur spent his career researching and perfecting the precise elements anyone can use to learn a language quickly and easily. Here are a few of his “secrets”:

The Principle of Anticipation
In the nanosecond between a cue and your response, your brain has to work to come up with the right word. Having to do this boosts retention, and cements the word in your mind.

Core Vocabulary
Words, phrases, and sentences are selected for their usefulness in everyday conversation. We don’t overwhelm you with too much, but steadily increase your ability with every lesson.

Graduated Interval Recall
Reminders of new words and structures come up at the exact interval for maximum retention and storage into your long-term memory.

Organic Learning
You work on multiple aspects of the language simultaneously. We integrate grammar, vocabulary, rhythm, melody, and intonation into every lesson, which allows you to experience the language as a living, expressive form of human culture.

Learning in Context
Research has shown that learning new words in context dramatically accelerates your ability to remember. Every scene in every Pimsleur lesson is set inside a conversation between two people. There are no drills, and no memorization necessary for success.

Active Participation
The Pimsleur Method + active learner participation = success. This method works with every language and every learner who follows it. You gain the power to recall and use what you know, and to add new words easily, exactly as you do in English.

The German Language
German is the official language of Germany and Austria and is one of the official languages of Switzerland. It is also an official language in Belgium, Lichtenstein, and Luxembourg. Nearly 100 million people speak German as their first language: about 77 million in Germany, 8 million in Austria, and 4.5 million in Switzerland.

خرید و دانلود Learn to Speak German Level Three Unit Eleven

دانلود مقاله پیدایش و تحول زبان

دانلود مقاله پیدایش و تحول زبان

لینک و پرداخت دانلود * پایین مطلب *


فرمت فایل : word ( قابل ویرایش )


تعداد صفحه : 21






تعریف زبان و شکل گیری آن

انواع زبان در کودکان

توصیه هایی برای رشد زبان در کودکان از نظرتلیپ و لیامز

گونه های زبان

قواعد کاربرد شناختی زبان

رشد زبانی کودک و مظریه های آن

مراحل فراگیری زبان عبارتند از

نظریه های یادگیری و رشد زبانی کودک


آنچه در این مقاله تحت عنوان پیدایش و تحول گفتار ارائه شده نظریه ای بنیادی در گستره زبان است. بسیاری از نظریاتی که تاکنون در مورد علل پیدایش زبان در نزد نوع انسان ارائه شده اند، این فرض را پیشاپیش یدک می کشند که گفتار وسیله ای جهت انتقال پیام است که بشر آن را برای ارتباط با همنوع آفریده است. ولی نظریه ای که در این مقاله گرد آمده است ادعا می کند که در بسیاری موارد گفتار تنها پاسخی به برانگیختگی حاصل از برنامه ای تحت عنوان الگوی کلمه ای در مغز است. آن چه در بسیاری از موارد مکالمه ای دو یا چند نفره به حساب می آید، رفتاری است که  هر فرد در جهت پاسخگویی به برانگیختگی حاصل از برنامه ای در مغز خود داده است که متقابلا برنامه ای را در مغز افراد برانگیخته می سازد.

خرید و دانلود دانلود مقاله پیدایش و تحول زبان

Learn to Speak French Level Three (29 Units)

Learn to Speak French Level Three (29 Units)

Speak French like a native!


It’s now possible to speak and understand a foreign language effortlessly. The world-famous Pimsleur Method™ combines well-established research, most-useful vocabulary and a completely intuitive process to get you speaking right from the first day. All Pimsleur® courses feature real-world context and flexible vocabulary enabling you to learn your new language in a fluid, natural way. It’s the simplest way to start speaking a new language today.

French is an official language in 44 countries. It is spoken by 55 million people in France, 3 million in Belgium, 1.5 million in Switzerland, 6.5 million in Canada, and 5 million in former French and Belgian colonies. It is also an official language of the U.N. Learn French today with Pimsleur.

You can download the first lesson for free from here.

You can download the Reading Book from here for free.


Includes 30 lessons and reading instruction as MP3 download, plus a User’s Guide and Reading Booklet

The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn French
Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what’s going on in the world around you, learning French will expand your horizons and immeasurably enrich your life.

The best part is that it doesn’t have to be difficult or take years to master. Thirty minutes a day is all it takes, and we get you speaking right from the first day. These courses use a scientifically-proven method that puts you in control of your learning. If you’ve tried other language learning methods but found they simply didn’t stick, then you owe it to yourself to give this a try.

Why these courses?
- Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day.
- Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life.
- Proven Method – Works when other methods fail.
- Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it’s up to you.
- Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning.
- Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers.
- Genius – Triggers your brain’s natural aptitude to learn.
- Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above.

What’s Included?
- 30, 30-minute audio lessons
- 60 minutes of reading instruction to provide you with an introduction to reading French designed to teach you to sound out words with correct pronunciation and accent
- in total, 16 hours of audio, all featuring native speakers
- a Reading Booklet and a User’s Guide

What You’ll Learn
In the first 10 lessons, you’ll cover the basics: saying hello, asking for or giving information, scheduling a meal or a meeting, asking for or giving basic directions, and much more. You’ll be able to handle minimum courtesy requirements, understand much of what you hear, and be understood at a beginning level, but with near-native pronunciation skills.

In the next 10 lessons, you’ll build on what you’ve learned. Expand your menu, increase your scheduling abilities from general to specific, start to deal with currency and exchanging money, refine your conversations and add over a hundred new vocabulary items. You’ll understand more of what you hear, and be able to participate with speech that is smoother and more confident.

In the final 10 lessons, you’ll be speaking and understanding at an intermediate level. In this phase, more directions are given in the target language, which moves your learning to a whole new plane. Lessons include shopping, visiting friends, going to a restaurant, plans for the evening, car trips, and talking about family. You’ll be able to speak comfortably about things that happened in the past and make plans for the future.

Reading Lessons begin in Lesson 9 to provide you with an introduction to reading French. In addition, the combined Reading Lessons are included after Lesson 30. These Reading Lessons, which total about one hour, are designed to teach you to sound out words with correct pronunciation and accent.

  About This Method
We make no secret of what makes this powerful method work so well. Paul Pimsleur spent his career researching and perfecting the precise elements anyone can use to learn a language quickly and easily. Here are a few of his “secrets”:

The Principle of Anticipation
In the nanosecond between a cue and your response, your brain has to work to come up with the right word. Having to do this boosts retention, and cements the word in your mind.

Core Vocabulary
Words, phrases, and sentences are selected for their usefulness in everyday conversation. We don’t overwhelm you with too much, but steadily increase your ability with every lesson.

Graduated Interval Recall
Reminders of new words and structures come up at the exact interval for maximum retention and storage into your long-term memory.

Organic Learning
You work on multiple aspects of the language simultaneously. We integrate grammar, vocabulary, rhythm, melody, and intonation into every lesson, which allows you to experience the language as a living, expressive form of human culture.

Learning in Context
Research has shown that learning new words in context dramatically accelerates your ability to remember. Every scene in every Pimsleur lesson is set inside a conversation between two people. There are no drills, and no memorization necessary for success.

Active Participation
This Method + active learner participation = success. This method works with every language and every learner who follows it. You gain the power to recall and use what you know, and to add new words easily, exactly as you do in English.

The French Language
French is spoken by 55 million speakers in France, 3 million in Belgium, 1.5 million in Switzerland, 6.5 million in Canada, and 5 million in former French and Belgian colonies. It is an official language in 44 countries and an official language of the United Nations. An estimated 50 million people around the world speak French as a second language.


خرید و دانلود Learn to Speak French Level Three (29 Units)