این کد قابلیت خرپاهای سه بعدی را دارا می باشد. پس از خرید این مجموعه، کد برنامه با پسوند m. و دو ورودی قابل دانلود می گردند که همگی در یک فایل زیپ قرار داده شده اند.
فرمت : ورد 42 صفحه(قابل ویرایش) با تخفیف ویژه
:Concepts of Income and Valuation of Assets
Theoretical Ground for Mark-to-market Accounting and Realization Basis
This paper reviews the accounting standards concerning asset valuation in light of consistency with the objective of financial statements and the concept of income to be measured. Conceptual analysis of “economic income” and “realized income” leads to the relevance of the latter concept in providing the investors with pertinent information for their valuation of the firm. Conventional concept of realization is then to be modified to meet the pressing needs for mark-to-market accounting.
The result of an investment is regarded as realized to be compared with the ex ante expectations when it has been released from the business risk inherent in the investment. The realized income captures the extent to which the expected results have been achieved. This modified concept is applied to the valuation of physical business assets and financial assets, classified in accordance with the nature of investment. The paper demonstrates that different measurement attributes are compatible under the concept of realized income and concludes that a consistent application of fundamental concepts is rather important than the uniformity of one particular attribute.
با نصب این برنامه هر برنامه ای که پاک کنید را می تواند بدون نقص و کامل بازگردانی کند.
(توجه کنید برنامه هایی که بعد از نصب این برنامه حذف شوند قابل بازگردانی هستند)
برنامه ای کاربردی و ضروری برای همه.