Combined Cooling, Heating and Power, Elsevier, 2015
مسعود ابراهیمی، علی کشاورز
1 CCHP Literature 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 CCHP in the Last Decade 2
2 CCHP Technology 35
2.1 Introduction 35
2.2 Basic CCHP Cycles 35
2.3 Thermally Activated Cooling Systems 73
2.4 Problems 89
3 CCHP Evaluation Criteria 93
3.1 Introduction 93
3.2 Technological Subcriteria 94
3.3 Economic Subcriteria 98
3.4 Environmental Subcriteria 100
3.5 Miscellaneous Subcriteria 101
3.6 Problems 102
4 CCHP Decision-Making 103
4.1 Introduction 103
4.2 Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM) 105
4.3 Case Studies 116
4.4 The Effect of m and ξ on l and GIG 122
4.5 Problems 126
5 CCHP Load Calculations 129
5.1 Introduction 129
5.2 Weather Information 129
5.3 Load Calculators 130
5.4 Load Calculation Example 131
5.5 Problems 138
6 CCHP Design 139
6.1 Introduction 139
6.2 Maximum Rectangle Method (MRM) 139
6.3 Developed-MRM 143
6.4 EMS Sizing Methods 145
6.5 Thermodynamic Sizing Methods 147
6.6 Thermoeconomic Sizing Methods 149
6.7 Multicriteria Sizing Methods 151
6.8 Case Study 154
6.9 Problems 167
7 CCHP Solar Heat Collectors 171
7.1 Introduction 171
7.2 Solar Heat Gain Calculation 172
7.3 Collector Size 177
7.4 Case Study 178
7.5 Problems 181
8 CCHP Thermal Energy Storage 183
8.1 Introduction 183
8.2 Thermal Energy Storage (TES) 183
8.3 Charge and Discharge of TES 186
8.4 Sizing of TES 187
9 CCHP Operation and Maintenance 189
9.1 Introduction 189
9.2 General O&M Program 189
10 CCHP the Future 197
10.1 Introduction 197
10.2 Benefits of CCHP for Consumers and Governments 197
10.3 Future of CCHP Systems 199
Symbols 201
Appendix 205